The Aerospace & Defense (A&D) industry is currently navigating a landscape filled with complex challenges, including a growing talent gap, the intricacies of data management, onshoring pressures, and the critical need to protect sensitive information. Arch Systems is at the forefront of addressing these challenges, offering solutions tailored specifically to meet the industry’s unique needs.

Bridging the Talent Gap: Empowering the Workforce of Tomorrow

As the A&D industry transitions to Industry 4.0, the talent gap becomes increasingly pronounced. The industry is in dire need of a skilled workforce capable of handling advanced manufacturing technologies and maintaining operational excellence. However, the rapid pace of technological advancement often outstrips the rate at which new talent can be trained.

How Arch Systems Helps: Arch Systems addresses this challenge with AI-enabled intelligent playbooks that preserve and disseminate critical factory knowledge. These playbooks ensure that even less experienced workers can operate at high efficiency, reducing the learning curve and empowering the global workforce with real-time access to performance metrics and operational goals. This approach not only helps bridge the talent gap but also facilitates smoother transitions towards a fully connected, Industry 4.0-enabled workforce.

Data Dilemmas: Ensuring Accuracy and Security

Managing the vast amounts of data generated by A&D manufacturing processes is no small feat. From design and production to maintenance and compliance, ensuring that this data is accurate, accessible, and secure is crucial to maintaining operational integrity and competitiveness.

How Arch Systems Helps: ArchFX GLO™ by Arch Systems is not just another OEE tool; it’s a comprehensive operational intelligence solution designed to unify data across all machinery, both new and legacy. This platform provides automated downtime insights, real-time surveillance of production lines, and company-wide KPI tracking, all while ensuring that sensitive data remains secure. Whether managing non-ITAR data on AWS Commercial or ITAR-covered data on AWS GovCloud, Arch Systems provides a robust framework for compliance and data protection, giving A&D manufacturers the confidence they need to innovate securely.

Onshoring: Optimizing Domestic Production

The recent shift towards onshoring in the A&D industry is driven by the need to enhance national security and reduce reliance on global supply chains. However, onshoring also brings challenges, including higher production costs and the need for advanced infrastructure to maintain competitiveness.

How Arch Systems Helps: ArchFX GLO™ supports onshoring efforts by optimizing manufacturing processes through increased line uptime, reduced repair times, and significant cuts in performance losses. By enabling rapid deployment and seamless integration, Arch Systems ensures that manufacturers can achieve operational excellence without disrupting production, even as they bring more operations back onshore.

Safeguarding Sensitive Data: A Commitment to ITAR Compliance

For A&D companies, safeguarding sensitive data is a non-negotiable priority, particularly when dealing with ITAR-covered information. Ensuring that this data is managed securely is essential to maintaining compliance and protecting national interests.

How Arch Systems Helps: Arch Systems is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of ITAR compliance. The ArchFX platform can be deployed on AWS GovCloud, managed by a US-only team, to ensure that ITAR-covered data is securely hosted and protected. Our comprehensive ITAR Compliance Framework offers extensive customization, ensuring that each customer’s unique requirements are met without compromising on operational efficiency.


The Aerospace & Defense industry is at a critical juncture, facing challenges that require innovative solutions and expert guidance. Arch Systems is committed to helping A&D manufacturers overcome these hurdles through cutting-edge technology, secure data management, and a deep understanding of the industry’s complexities. By partnering with Arch Systems, A&D companies can confidently navigate the future, knowing they have the tools and expertise needed to achieve operational excellence.

Partner with Arch Systems to overcome Aerospace & Defense challenges with innovative technology, secure data management, and expert guidance for operational excellence.