At Arch, supporting social impact partners has been a core part of our mission from day one.

Measuring data from machines, new and especially legacy, is a key to renewable energy adoption in the developing world.  By monitoring a machine’s performance, energy usage profiles can be built up which are essential for communities adopting renewable energy generation. The energy profile allows business owners to determine if their equipment can be powered by a renewable energy system instead of an expensive, polluting diesel generator.  In partnership with Arch for hardware, software, and machine data expertise, one of our social impact partners, Factor[e] conducted a thorough study of income generating appliances in several rural regions in east Africa. 

Check out the cool video about their work. You can spot our POD-1G and IOTile App in use at 0:55 and again at 1:40:

Learn more about the study here. Looking forward to continue working with you, Factor[e]!