May 21, 2019 | Company News
Today Arch announces our first managed factory installation in mainland China! We’ve been looking forward to this day for a while having received demand and requests for Chinese partnerships for a couple years already.The decision to make our first installations...
Feb 11, 2019 | Uncategorized
Industry 4.0 is not only about the current wave of factories that can be retrofit and upgraded, but also about the next generation of great engineers and leaders who will further transform the industry. This year at Michigan State University (MSU), some of the...
Jan 25, 2019 | Company News, Public Appearances
Last Wednesday, our CEO Andrew Scheuermann had the pleasure to meet the Premier of Southern Australia to talk about Industry 4.0 and how Arch Systems and Australia’s industrial companies could partner.Premier Steven Marshals is prioritizing Australian manufacturing,...
Jan 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
At Arch, supporting social impact partners has been a core part of our mission from day one. Measuring data from machines, new and especially legacy, is a key to renewable energy adoption in the developing world. By monitoring a machine’s performance, energy usage...